EDF Projects
This page lists current and archived project documentation. It is intended to provide a more organized way of accessing the documentation on the SiteMap.
Active Projects
Physics Projects
- APOLLO CommonATCA project for LHC experiments
- GrafanaMonitoring
- ATCAEmergencyShutdown -- system to power off racks on over-temperature
- AMC13 module for CMS upgrade MicroTCA systems
- NOTE: AMC13 page link above broken as of early 2024. Manually alter the TWiki url to 'http' not 'https' to view.
- AMC13Production2019 -- collecting requests for a new production run
- AMC13_Clock_Injector
- Amc13BackplaneTester -- Small test board for initial AMC13 bench testing
- CMS DCC2 Data Concentrator Card for the CMS experiment at CERN
- TrackerDTC
- CMSMipTiming
- TTT_Rev2 -- Aka TTTT trigger timing encoder for various purposes
- CMS_TCDS -- new CERN TTC/TTS replacement system documentation links
- MaPSA-Light Test electronics for CMS outer tracker upgrade
- ECAL_VFE_Adapter -- Adapter/test readout card for new ECAL VFE ECALSep2016TestBeam TWiki
- ECALPhaseTwo -- upgrade information
- FC-7 Adventures -- setting up CERN FC-7 board and use
- ComtelATCAShelf
- ComExpressMini
- WisconsinATCA -- collection of talks
- HCALFrontEnd
- HTR config
- IPBusUserNotes -- some notes on IPBus / uHAL
- CSC DCFEB -- Cathode Strip Chamber front-end-board testing
- AMC13 module for CMS upgrade MicroTCA systems
- AtlasMezzTesting -- Mezzanine Card Test Stand under development for the ATLAS experiment
- AtlasChipTestInfo -- 2018 summary info with possible relevance for phase 2 ASD/Mezz cards
- AtlasMDTPhase2ATCA page on ATLAS TWiki with evolving MDT phase 2 electronics
- AtlasPhase2Muons -- local Wiki page on MDT upgrade work
- AtlasMichiganMezzCard -- Documentation on test mezz card for Michigan ASIC TDC (2016)
- G-2 at Fermilab
- New_G-2_Electronics -- Main page for the New (g-2) experiment (E989) at Fermilab
- Tracker_Flight_Simulator -- Test fixture for G-2 tracker electronics
- G2Wfd -- Documentation on Cornell MicroTCA WFD
- QuadPulser -- Quadrupole pulser control electronics
- Watchman -- Neutrino experiment
- MertzMicro -- projects for Jerome Mertz
- DarkQuest -- Dark sector upgrade to SpinQuest?
- DineshMigdal -- Collaboration with UNM on TPC search for Migdal effect (aka TRINIDAD)
Non-Physics Projects
- OpticalTweezers -- Support for M. Kamenetska lab project (DDS board testing/fab)
- ChenLab -- projects for Jerry Chen
- MultiTEMS -- proposed electrical stimulator
- MiniFAST -- proposed build of image sensor boards
- Bifano Lab (Photonics)
- RemoteSolenoid -- Remote solenoid control for Bifano lab
- QuadSiPMReadout -- SiPM readout board for Bifano lab
- Khalil Lab (BME)
- eVOLVER -- System for Kahlil lab in BME
- LuciferasePhotodetector -- for Khalil lab
- Roblyer_dDOSI -- Digital Optical Spectroscopy project main page
- RoblyerDOSIPortable -- possible new portable version 2022
- RoblyerDOSIRackMount -- New rack mount version 2017
- RoblyerDOSIAPDBoard -- Revision of APD board designed elsewhere
- RoblyerCWProbe -- CW six-channel LED probe for cancer monitoring
- RoblyerAPDTest -- APD front-end development for DOSI project
- Roblyer_dDOS_Undersampling_dSAU -- full engineering documentation for senior design
- Roblyer_dDOS_Debug_Log -- log of EDF work after hand-off
- MRI_Stimulator -- piezo driver for David Somers lab in psych
External Projects
- SKEDI -- Musical instrument project for Berklee/Soundscape?
- MGHNeuroStimulatorOpto -- Opto-isolator box for MGH/Charlestown neuro stimulator
- BreegiIncubator -- Baby incubator project
- StrasbourgLaserDriver -- Proposed new Laser/TEC system based on KFLARE
- LaserCurrentDriver -- For photonics startup
- Nextiles -- Wearable instrumentation
- Cable_Breakout_Box -- Cable breakout for Schoenbaum (NIH, non-BU) ca 2012
- RedSeatMedia -- Gyro sensor
Development/Shop Projects
- JuliaLanguage notes for the new user
- BUTool software tool for communicating with various boards
- UltrascaleTechnology -- Xilinx next-gen chip and board info
- PicoZed info including FMC carrier
- XilinxUsbCable -- getting USB programming cable to work under Ubuntu
- XilinxVivadoUbuntu -- Running Vivado on Ubuntu/debian
- XilinxIPCores -- notes regarding Xilinx IP
- EricsVivadoNotes -- Eric's notes on Vivado for the impatient
- ZynqLinux -- Getting linux running on Xilinx Zynq chips
- VHDLCoding and GHDL -- tips/tricks
EDF TODO projects
- ReflowOven and other soldering info
- EDFBox -- proposed integrated box with microcontroller for general use
- OscilloscopeEvaluations evaluating oscilloscopes for purchase 2021+
- JTAG_programming rPi Hat
- 3-pin UART Arduino Shield?
- OnlineMachining services
- Artemis2024 -- Artemis summer camp 2024
- Artemis2014 -- Artemis summer camp history through 2018
- ArduinoOutreach -- project ideas
- RFShieldTestBox
- Z80Project -- Z80 core and tools
- BlinkyPovAVR -- Blinky POV soldering activity
- BlinkyColorPOV
- DrawDio -- Musical kit for science solstice 2018
- PoweredSpeaker -- class D audio amp for demos
- ArduinoToNativeC -- converting Arduino code to generic C
- ArduinoZero -- ARM SAM processor and friends development info
- AVRSoftCores -- FPGA implementations of Atmel 8-bit AVR CPU
- XilinxFlashUSB -- Infrastructure for programming SPI flash on Xilinx FPGA through USB
- Nexys 3 CellularRAM -- Infrastructure for using the Cellular RAM on Nexys3 boards.
- ArduinoTimers -- some notes on the Arduino timer system
- Standard picoblaze UART interface -- An EDF standard base UI for picoblaze + UART
- Picoblaze boot loader -- Project to download Picoblaze code into a running system
Training and Documentation
- LargePrinter -- How to print new large-format printer
- NEMAPlugs -- NEMA plug info
- HdlOnGit -- aka HOG FPGA build system
- DocumentConversion -- how to convert from Google Docs to LaTeX etc
- JtagSVFProgramming -- collected notes on JTAG from SVF files
- UsingFreeCAD -- some tricks
- AutoCADTricks -- some tricks for creating DXF files AutoCAD can read
- ViewingBigPDFs -- how to fiddle with 'evince' settings for large files/zoom scales
- PDFTricks -- various PDF manipulation tricks
- SLAC ruckus/SURF -- FPGA build system and libraries
- PCBLayoutNotes -- PCB capabilities and layout notes
- PCBManufacturingChecklist -- Make sure you check everything on this list before ordering boards!
- PassiveComponents -- Some interesting notes on passive components
- KiCAD Notes -- Notes on using KiCAD
- RunningOrCAD -- Getting OrCAD set up and running at BU
- Atmel_AVR_Tools -- Programming the ATmel AVR family (as in Arduino)
- UsingAlteraQuartus -- Help getting started with Alter Quartus
- C++ Tricks -- Tricks and hacks for C and C++ development
- GitSurvival -- GIT recipes for old farts
- KiCad 3D Models -- Step by step guide to put pretty 3D models in a PCB layout
- UbuntuLinuxNotes -- Tips/tricks for Ubuntu (including Thinkpad)
- VidyoOnUbuntu -- How to get Vidyo running on Ubuntu 18.04
- GoogleTricks -- how to print long Google Task lists, etc
- BeamerCode -- how to capture code in emacs and turn it into pdf files
Completed/Abandoned Projects
- PerkinsTelescope -- automation of telescope for BU Astro group
- Super/Hyper-Kamiokande
- PmtReplacement2018 -- splice board for PMT replacement
- HyperK project prototyping
- Historical information on Ethernet daughterboard project for Super-K
- Mu2eClockSynth
- TOF System for El-Batanouny
- elbat_tof -- Historical documentation (1999 and 2006)
- ElbatTOF2017 -- proposed new system
- DunlopLEDPlate -- LED light plate for Dunlop lab
- BoneTwister -- for Tara Moore
- SiPMBreakout -- for Bernhard Zimmermann
- BME_StrecherControler (sic) -- BME Lab, stretcher control circuit
- SPDIF_Converter -- Audio lab S/PDIF converter box
- LEDArrayController -- for protein/light interaction
- MIT Preamp
- Atlas5DTablet
- FrogShaker -- vibration playback amplifiers
- HyrophoneAmp -- Proposed project for McDaniel? (Mech-E) lab
- GarnderLabAudio -- Audio digitizer projects for Tim Gardner lab
- Frangioni_FLARE -- Imaging system for assistance to surgeons
- MULAN -- FIXME: dead page: MULAN WFDs
- MuSun WFD Synchronizer
- Time_Reversal_Mirror
- LED_Pulser
- PMT_Amplifier
- BioCompoundSensor
- LinuxCluster
- CellStretcher
- WireChamberCamera
- STM_Z_System
- Neutron_Electric_Dipole_Moment_(nEDM)?
- BioDelayGenerator
- CMS_Source_Driver
- Near_Field_Microscope
- D0_MCEN_Repair
- ATLAS_Upgrade
- Linear_Collider
- CLEAN VME_Interrupter
- Stepping_Motor_Controllers
- YAG_Timing_Box
- Goggle_Controller
- BabyMobile
- LightUpLock
- Gait_Measurement_Timer
- Worm_Trainer
- LED_Dimmer
- RF_Phase_Shifter
- Treadmill_Backpack
- DRIFT_Electronics
- Xilinx_Parallel_Cable
- NeuroAmplifierProject
- EarthScienceDataLogging
- ThermalNeutronDetector
- MonkeyTimer2
- AverittAntenna
- High_Voltage_for_PMTs
- LIDAR_Preamp
- PreampBatteryPower
- LCD_Serial_Interface
- AtlasChipTesting
- Springleaf
- SpringleafUSBControl
- OEthernetMac
- AMC13ProgrammingAdapter
- DDS_Voltage_Regulator
- Wiznet_Connector_Board
- DUMAND II digitizer
- CmsHcalDocsEdit
EDF Administration
- Private Wiki for EDF Administration
- EdfShoppingList - equipment purchases (proposed)
- Lab Space SVN: http://edf.bu.edu/svn/edf/Eric/Space/
- EDFStudentEmployeeInfo -- helpful information for EDF student employees
- EDFStudentComputerTraining -- some tutorials and such for new students
- P-Card Procedure for purchases over $1000 (9/24/20)
- FeeForServiceProcedure -- New procedure for billing off-campus funding sources (11/23/20):
- PCardReconciliation -- notes on PCard transactions
- EDF Computer Info (private Wiki page)
- EquipmentInventory
EDF Historical Info
- OhmServerMigration2018 -- some aspects of our server migration from CentOS5 to Ubuntu
- FY18Closing
Last modified 8 months ago
Last modified on Jun 19, 2024, 7:13:11 AM