The CERN TCDS (Trigger, Controls Distribution System) consists of three different module types built on the FC-7 double-with MicroTCA module with two FMC (FPGA Mezzanine Card) modules.
Technical documentation for the boards may be found in the CERN EDMS system:
- FMC with 8 SFP
- FMC with 2 SFP+LEMOs
- FMC with 4 SFP+RJ45s
- GLIB module (older MicroTCA carrier for prototyping/tests)
- FC7 MicroTCA carrier
If you don't have access to the CERN EDMS system, feel free to contact Eric Hazen and I can provide files to you.
Last modified 9 years ago
Last modified on Oct 20, 2015, 3:38:04 PM