
Welcome to work in the EDF! Please make note of the following policies / procedures.

Updated September 2021.

  • We expect you to keep regular hours and focus on EDF work exclusively during the times scheduled. If you must miss work for any reason, email the EDF staff person you're working with and CC also the EDF director (Eric). See staff contacts list if you need to reach someone.
  • Some work can be remote, but you need to comply with the requirements mentioned here.
  • Please provide a cell phone number in case we urgently need to reach you.
  • Please check your email at least a couple of times a day for work-related messages. If there is another email or better way to reach you, please let us know.
  • When you are working, you'll be expected to monitor Slack or Mattermost for the project you are working on. If you are not, please familiarize yourself with these tools. You will soon get invitations to some of these platforms. Here is a link to the EDF mattermost area:
  • While working, we expect you to keep a personal time log of what you are working on. It does not have to be very detailed, but you should have something noted down for each day of work. You will be given access to a database where you can enter this information for billing purposes.
  • You will be given access to various computer accounts and tools. You must comply with the BU Policy on computing ethics. Do not be tempted to store any questionable materials (music, videos etc) on a University computer.
  • You are expected to have a basic familiarity of the following software for basic project management and documentation:
  • Linux and especially the command-line environment
  • Git - and Best make yourself accounts on both
  • (Subversion) - less important as we mainly use Git
  • Slack and Mattermost
  • Redmine (very basic use, mainly to manage SVN access)
  • The trax wiki used by the EDF (here).

In EDF we tend to run Ubuntu linux on most of the machines. You would do well to install this (currently Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is recommended) on a computer you have access to so you can learn this environment. (the Windows Subsystem for Linux or WSL is not really a substitute).

You'll be notified of other software and tools you need to learn.

Some helpful links:

Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on Nov 8, 2021, 9:22:34 AM