
CMS MIP Timing Detector (MDT)

This consists of two parts, Barrel Timing Layer (BTL) and Endcap Timing Layer (ETL). We are joining the ETL effort.

P2 trigger/daq: 750kHz, 12.5us latency

Working Notes

On detector

On-chamber elx operate at -30C

LGAD detectors

module 16x32 (21x42mm) LGAD array of 1.3x1.3mm pads

Two ETROC ASIC 20x20mm per module (16x16 pixels)

Service hybrid = power board + readout board

Serial output 320/640/1.28 eLinks 32-bit raw binary with some framing words.


Both Serenity and BCP are suggested as options in the TDR.

Work Log


Received from Frank Golf on 2/14:

Below are links to (mechanical) layouts and possible connectors for the flex cable. We have been considering two designs for now, one with a single connector on the service hybrid side and one with three connectors. The three connector version has a connector for each ETROC and a separate connector to supply the sensor bias voltage. We haven't looked into connectors beyond paper planning. There are a few options we used for cost estimates in the folder linked below. Both the flex design and the choice of connector are still open questions.

Drawings of two module types (2-sensor and 1-sensor):

Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on Nov 19, 2020, 1:01:56 PM