
Goto ThermalNeutronDetector • PreampDesign • NeutronElectronicsDatabase • ElectronicsTestLog

This page documents a electronics for a thermal neutron detector being developed for Steve Ahlen starting in Oct 2010. The ultimate goal is to build a replacement for the existing detector technology based on the now scarce 3He isotope.

The final detector must be 2m x 30cm x 12cm. It is anticipated that it will use 6Li foils as the active material, with HV wires at < 1200v in a drift chamber configuration for readout.


Prototype II Chamber

Prototype I Chamber

  • Mechanics
    • Preliminary drawing &ndash; PDF

&bull; DWG


Meeting Notes

If the wire pitch is 5mm and we want to readout every wire, then the preamp pitch must match. This likely implies thin "hybrid-style" preamp boards mounted vertically on a motherboard.


Voltage Regulator

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Nov 8, 2013, 10:17:54 AM