
What is OEthernetMac?

A simple ethernet mac that was designed to mate with IPBus. Timing diagrams are on their way, but it attempts to look like the output of the Xilinx TEMACS (Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC).

NOTE: This MAC really only supports Full Duplex transmission

and has only been tested at 100Mbs. Moving it to a higher speed just means that clock generation needs to be taken care of. Lower speeds should work if they are running at Full Duplex.

All Xilinx projects are from ISE 13.3

Directory Structure

  • archive/ : Holds important and key archives of different

subsections of the project. Archived files are

named as such: name_of_folder_YEARMONTHDAY.tar.bz2

  • oethmac_base_ipbus/ : Contains the src directory including vhdl files, ucf

files (example for nexys3), and ipcores.

The version of IPBus I tested on is included.

  • oethmac_ipbus_demo_nexys3/ : Contains a sample application of the OEthMac

for a Nexys3 Development board. Arguably could

be made to work on other boards.


Sources can be found here

Stable Versions:

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Nov 8, 2013, 10:17:54 AM