New procedure for billing off-campus funding sources (11/23/20)
Need to fill out the form below, then email to physics chair and his/her assistant (currently Andrei <andreir@…> and Robyn <rkinch@…>). After it is signed by Andrei, send to <casgrant@…> for the assistant dean's signature (currently Mike Sorenson <msoren@…>).
Form technology if you want to avoid paid Adobe software:
- Use evince to fill out all the text
- Upload to
Mike Sorenson suggests to put something like this in the boxes on the form:
How will this project advance the University's mission?
External work in the EDF for major research Universities or National Laboratories provides important income to the facility and helps subsidize the internal and collaborative jobs, which are billed at a significantly lower rate. This balance of internal, collaborative and external work permits the facility to charge internal jobs from the Boston University Community significantly lower rates that would be possible to get elsewhere. The EDF is widely recognized as a world class facility, and gives our researchers a tremendous advantage over most of our peer institutions.
How will this project advance your school or department's/center's research?
It will enhance our reputation, and, as mentioned above, help subsidize the fabrication for internal Boston University sponsored research programs.