- Tracker DAQ Development espace
- Data format: GitHub
- uDTC firmware (aka d19c) IT-firmware middleware
- uDTC manual (aka d19c)
- RD53A Chip: manual
- RD53B Chip: Draft manual local copy 2020-05-29
- Aurora protocol specification (Xilinx) * 10 GbE page 262+
- IT Services: shared documents Rates from 7/18
- Tracker TDR: TWiki (local)
- LUMI talks: July 2018 Oct 2017
- DTH page TDCS2 page
- CMS DAQ: CmsPhase2Daq collection of links to Git repos, etc
- Custom Hardware Network Interface Specification... for IP addresses etc
- DTH spec Interface spec (updated April 2019) (source)
- Interim TDR: pdf DocDB
- 2020-04-01 Talk with details of DTH and firmware
- LPGBT: ACES 2016 talk forums ACES 2018 talk Tutorial
- GBT-FPGA Project page
- Module Schematics, start at
- Click "Pixel Module, then "Libraries->Documents->CROC HDI Schematics"
- VL+ site TWEPP19 EDMS (Samtec specs)
- Compression/Readout: Yangyang talk Nov 2017
- YY Pixel Layout: drawings
- status Dec 2016
- Data Compression: Androsov July 2016
- DTC Rates: Spreadsheet from Mark P/Stella O 6/14/18
- DTCChipsLinksTable -- table from Andreas with links/DTC and chips/DTC
- Serenity: talk Oct 2017
- uDTC: eSpace
- Trk BE gitlab
- TIF Twiki
- TrackerDTCFirmwareNotes -- notes on firmware
- UsefulSlideReviewOct2019
- Peter's Budget (Dropbox link)
- BU Proposal (SVN link to current PDF)
- SVN: (see Meetings folder for BU-created slides)
- DTCProposal_BU -- draft proposal / SOW by Zeynep
- PixelDTCDesignNotes
- AuroraProtocolDevelopment -- starting work on Aurora encode/decode
- Simulation Studies for IT DTC
- PixelGeometryExplained for the befuddled
Obsolete outer tracker stuff
- Eva Oct 12th DTC update
- Outer Tracker (Indico)
- CMSTrackerWeek12May2016_DTC.pdf -- Useful DTC talk by F. Vasey from May 2016 tracker week
- 72 inputs (9.6 Gb/s) and 30 outputs (25 Gb/s)
- 100G to DAQ (?) so 4 additional 25G. Should plan for 8 for two DAQ cards so total 72 GTH, 38 GTY
- FPGA options for one device:
Part | Package | GTH | GTY |
XCVU190 | A2577 | 60 | 60 |
XCV7190 | A2577 | 60 | 60 |
XCVU9P | A2577 | 120 | |
XCVU13P | A2577 | 128 |
Last modified 2 years ago
Last modified on Nov 14, 2022, 10:13:58 AM