
Documentation on Ethernet - PCIe bridge testing using embedded linux system (e.g. COMe mini).

Work Plan

  1. Setup a COMe mini on an eval board and get it to run Linux
    1. pick an appropriately small linux distro to use, maybe a minimal ubuntu
  2. Install required tools to build kernel modules and build a demo "hello world" module
  3. Develop a simple PCIe target firmware for Xilinx evaluation board (Mr Wu will do this)
  4. Write a kernel module to talk to the eval board
  5. Study data transfer performance and make a report
  6. Develop some demo server applications to run under linux to provide a GbE-PCIe bridge

Target system-on-board type is "COM express mini type 10". Looking for a carrier board with PCIe x1 connector for a Xilinx eval board.


Other options

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Jan 31, 2017, 2:37:58 PM