Motherboard ECOs 1 LED color change D1-D3 from yellow to green and D5-D8 from green to yellow 2 Move D3.3 to D2.5V R6 to 49.9k (0402) R11 to 75k (0603) U13 to Digikey part number #300-8791-ND 3 Replace C29 with a 10uF Tantalum capacitor to squelch oscillation. 4 Add wire from J11 + pin to pin 6 on J1_{1..6} 5 Add wire from RESET on ADC to AVDD 6 Add wire from SEN on ADC to GND Note: 5&6 will put ADC into 2's complement LVDS mode with both channels running. 7 On JP4 the North most two pins (closest to the power connector) should be shorted together so that the power good signal always has a pullup.