Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of QuadPulserArchives

May 10, 2018, 11:24:59 AM (6 years ago)
Lina Lin



  • QuadPulserArchives

    v2 v3  
    1919* [[QuadPluserMainBoardNotes]] -- Design notes for main board
    21 === 2017 Archives ===
     21= 2017 Archives =
    2323Here is most of the contents of the main Wiki page which is obsolete...
     25=== Test on existing HW ===
     27* Switch picoblaze comms back to USB/serial
     28* Add registers to explicitly set ISERDES delays on both ends (Zynq, picoblaze)
     29* Test / verify high speed serial comms (all 4 sets of FMC connections)
     30* Restore simple ADC capture/readout via picoblaze
     31* Test all ADC inputs and protection board
     32* Test all SMA I/O and DB-9 as much as we can
     34=== New hardware rev ===
     36* ADC board
     37 * Check/correct all relevant ECOs
     38  * Check sequencer output resistors
     39  * Fix oscillator pinout
     40  * Check flash memory part number / footprint
     41  * Add pin 1 mark on U5 (check all footprints for orientation marking)
     42 * Move vias out from under chips (review layout for test probing and mods)
     43 * Change level shifter package
     44 * Delete all switching converters
     45 * Add power connector for all bulk voltages
     46  * Mounting holes for power board too
     47 * Check ADC channel number order
     48 * Ensure test points on every PS voltage, label test points on silkscreen
     49 * Convert front-end amps to 5V only (vs -1, +4)
     50 * Add two 5V LDO regulators for level shifters and ADC
     51 * Fix DB-9 buffer problems
     52 * Convert bi-directional SMAs to use two FPGA pins (in, out)
     53 * Larger series resistors on LEDs
     54 * FTDI serial vs HDMI serial (jumpers / duplicate I/o?)
     55 * New interface connector Micro-HDMI
     56* Power supplies
     57 * Consider design of mezzanine board, or a single master power supply board
    2559Zynq interface thoughts: