
Version 11 (modified by Eric Hazen, 7 years ago) (diff)


This board contains an Atmel ATMega88PA-AU microcontroller. This pin assignments are given in the table below (taken from the schematic)

Pin Name In/Out Signal Function
12 PB0 Out TDC_EN_in Configuration of TDC
13 PB1 Out TCC_EN_out Configuration of TDC
14 PB2 Out TDC_RST Configuration of TDC
19 ADC6 Analog In M1P5A Measure 1.5V analog voltage
22 ADC7 Analog In M1P5D Measure 1.5V digital voltage
23 PC0 In TDC_DOUT Configuration of TDC
24 PC1 Out TDC_DIN Configuration of TDC
25 PC2 Out TDC_CLK Configuration of TDC
26 PC3 Out BLINK Green LED on board
30 PD0/RxD In RxD Serial receive data
31 PD1/TxD Out TxD Serial transmit data
32 PD2 In ASD_DIN Configuration of ASDs
1 PD3 Out ASD_DOUT Configuration of ASDs
2 PD4 Out ASD_SLOAD Configuration of ASDs
9 PD5 Out ASD_SCLK Configuration of ASDs
10 PD6 Out ASD_SDOWN Configuration of ASDs

Firmware Development Plan

On Arduino

  1. Get new command parser (Eric/Val? code) and get it to run
  2. Read muon-2002-003.pdf pages 28 and 29
  3. Write code to read and write to the ASD serial interface using some Arduino pins
  4. Run the code, use an oscilloscope to verify the waveforms look correct.
  5. Read MDT_TDC_config_note.docx on the TDC configuration interface.
  6. Implement code to interact with TDC, use oscilloscope to veryify waveforms look correct.
  7. Implement VOLT, HELP etc

On the real hardware (next week)

  1. Modify Makefile for ATMega88 and set fuses (get help!)
  2. Change the pin assignments to work on real hardware (see schematic)
  3. Run the code and test it.

Firmware Specification

Command Format

<command> [<argument>...]

Where <command> is a word beginning with a letter (upper/lower case are equivalent) and <argument> are numbers or text strings separated by whitespace.

Numeric arguments are assumed decimal unless they have a prefix "0x" in which case they are hexadecimal.

LED command

LED ON|OFF|BLINK -- turn LED on board on or off or blink at 1Hz

ASD command

The mezzanine board contains three ASD chips, each of which has 52 bits of programming information, detailed in this document: ASD00A_Prog.PDF.

ASD R -- Read ASD configuration and display in hex (3 groups of 13 hex digits with spaces between)

ASD W <string1> <string2> <string3> -- Write ASD configuration from 3 hex strings (each must be 13 digits long)

TDC command

TDC R -- Read TDC configuration and display (14 registers of four hex digits each)

TDC W <reg> <value> -- set TDC register <reg> to value <value>

VOLT command

VOLT -- Read and display two 1.5V power supply voltages from ADC inputs

HELP command

HELP -- print short list of valid commands